
A peanuts book featuring Snoopy

I've reading it.
I borrowed this series from the library of Hyogo.
It's so easy and interesting for me but I don't understand any 'American Jokes'.
The main character is a boy who names CHARLUE BROWN.
He has a beagle names SNOOPY.
His favorite food are an ice cream and pizza.
Amazing!! I didn't know that.

3 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

Right! Jokes are sometimes difficult to understand.

BTW, you're reading it or you've read it already?

I've liked Snoopy for a long time (I remember that ^^)

Good for you to go to the city library! Is Hyogo library near your house?

マキカカ さんのコメント...

I'm reading now.
I have to go to the library in a faraway place when I borrow some books.

m_yam さんのコメント...

> I have to go to the library in a faraway place when I borrow some books.

Oh do you? It would be a lot convenient if it were near your house... (there's a library close to my house ^^b )

Well, enjoy your "trip" to the library then!