
New Stage

I read this book.When I was a high school student,I had read it in the class.It was difficult for me to understand and read. But now, I can read it smoothly.(Sorry,I've said too much.)
There are many series of stoty in the book.I read one of the stories sbout 「A Talking robot」.A man was talking for a train on a platform.But, train was too lated. So, he had to wait for a long time. After a little,he noticed a robot standing at the end of the platform.It was a talking robot. He gave a coin for tha robot.Then a robot would say such things as ''How was your day?''

1 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

Good!! It's a really good idea to try something you found too difficult before!!!

And the story you talked about - "A Talking Robot" - sounds like fun! So ... could the man get necessary information from the robot after giving it money?